Ashoura celebration in the Chiite city of Nabathieh, south Lebanon, 1989
Refugees in their own county, escaping bombardment by General Aoun army, Naher El Bared near Saida, south Lebanon, 1989
Playing with gun at the PLO Lions Cubs in the Ain el-Helweh refugee camp near Saida, south Lebanon, 1989
One of the instructors at the PLO Lions Cub camp in the Ain el-Helweh refugee camp near Saida, south of Lebanon, 1989
The PLO Lions Cubs in the Ain el-Helweh refugee camp near Saida, south Lebanon, 1989
Protestors for after the funerals of Pierre Gemayel member of the parlement, who was assassinated by pro Syrian's army in Lebanon, 2007
Worker waiting for a client at Solider district located at the city center of the Lebanese capital, 2012