Preparing dinner at the Syrian Nationalist Party’s Lions Cubs training camp in Mount Lebanon, 1989
Ashoura celebration in the Chiite city of Nabathieh, south Lebanon, 1989
Rope climbing practice at the Syrian Nationalist Party’s Lions Cubs training camp in Mount Lebanon, 1989
Children at the PLO Lion Cubs in the Ain el-Helweh refugee camp near Saida, south Lebanon, 1989
Children at the PLO Lion Cubs in the Ain el-Helweh refugee camp near Saida, south Lebanon, 1989
Refugees in their own county, escaping bombardment by General Aoun army, Naher El Bared near Saida, south Lebanon, 1989
The PLO Lions Cubs in the Ain el-Helweh refugee camp near Saida, south Lebanon, 1989
Public watching rescue teams after a car blast sibling Georges Ghanem, a member of the parlement in Sen El Fil district, 2007
Protestors at Martyrs square one month after the assassination of Hariri, March 14, 2005
Protestors at Martyrs square one month after the assassination of Hariri, March 14, 2005